Journal: Imperial by Design, Unethical by Choice

Imperial by Design The National Interest From the Jan-Feb 2011 issue John J. Mearsheimer December 16, 2010 Summary: The author discusses the intellectual but not the ethical underpinings of the failure of US foreign policy and national security since the first Clinton Administration.  He touches on alternative policies such as isolationalism, offshore balancing, selective engagement, …

New ABC News Weekly Show Related to the Design Revolution & Global Health

Be the Change: Save a Life ABC News kicks off year-long global health care series Friday, Dec. 17 at 10pm eastern/9pm central. “20/20 ABC starts a weekly show about the Design Revolution.” Tonight: Stanford’s Extreme Affordability Program showcased: Thanks to those posting to the Out of Poverty Twitter feed Also see: + How the …

Journal: Building Information Modeling as the Core of Sustainable Design Impacts on 40% of Global Energy Consumption

By GreenerBuildings Staff Published October 27, 2010 OAKLAND, CA — Building information modeling can be a valuable tool for architects, engineers and contractors that allows them to explore different design options, see what projects will look like and understand how a structure will perform long before it’s built. BIM, as it’s known in the industry, …

How the “Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability” class launched several internationally known start-ups

Working through partners, getting to market faster The Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability class has launched several internationally known start-ups (including Embrace, Driptech and D.Light.) But main route for student teams to get their life-changing products into the hands of people in the developing world is by working with NGO partner organizations. Working with partners …

Worth a Look: Free Online Map Design Tool

CloverPoint has developed Mapshark, a comprehensive application for ESRI ArcGIS users to create dynamic, customizable maps on the web. Mapshark simplifies the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering online maps. It has been formulated so that users with limited graphic and web design abilities can create informative and aesthetically pleasing online maps. Tip of …