Robert Steele: Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies in Singularity Weblog

Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies Robert Steele on February 1, 2016 in SingularityWeblog The current fads Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are hot current fads. Both technologies have been a long time in gestation. The ramp-up has taken decades. The current bet – one I do not agree with – is that …

Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0

Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 Can Open Source Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? DOC (16 Pages): 20151018 Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 DOC (3 Pages): D3 Innovation Memorandum 2.1 (to VP, SecState, SecDef, D/OMB, A/USAID delivered 14 October 2015) SHORT URL: ABSTRACT The information and intelligence (decision-support) domains have lost their …

2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …

Hans Kern Interviews Robert Steele for Rag ‘n Rock: World Brain II.0 or How We Should End Secrecy and Learn to Harness the Hive Mind

World Brain II.0 How We End Secrecy and Harness the Hive Mind Robert Steele is unusual for an American… he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust. Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemre Aybars, Turkish Navy (retired) A conversation …

Jean Lievens: European Open Science Cloud

Towards the European Open Science Cloud CERN has recently published a paper which outlines the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud that will enable digital science by introducing IT as a Service to the public research sector in Europe.

Marcus Aurelius: Jim Mattis on a New American Grand Strategy with Comment from Robert Steele

A New American Grand Strategy by General Jim Mattis Hoover Institution, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Questions asked and answered: What are the key threats to our vital interests? Is our intelligence community fit for its expanding purpose? How do we urgently halt the damage caused by sequestration? More broadly, is the U.S. military being developed …