Koko: Scary science, national security, and open-source research

Koko Sign: Transparency good. Scary science, national security, and open-source research Maggie Koerth-Baker BoingBoing, 13 January 2012 I’ve been following the story about the scientists who have been working to figure out how H5N1 bird flu might become transmissible from human to human, the controversial research they used to study that question, and the federal …

Koko: Crowd-Sourcing Weather Forecasting

Koko Sign:  Gorillas better forecasters than computers. Crowdsourcing Snowstorm’s Westward Model Shift AccuWeather.com, Dec 7, 2011 I was surprised to see this HRRR forecast model prediction of tonight’s Northeast snow showing no snow for Harrisburg and York, PA, and showing the axis of heaviest snow (4-8″) over or west of State College, PA. This disagreed …

Koko: Mammoth find raises hopes of successful cloning

Koko Sign:  Like diversity. Mammoth find raises hopes of successful cloning Emma Woollacott TG Daily,  December 5, 2011 A Japanese team which has been hoping to clone a mammoth says that a specimen discovered this summer looks likely to yield up the necessary DNA. The team, from Japan’s Kinki University and the Sakha Republic’s mammoth …