Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour? Or Corrupt Idiots in Power in Washington?

This essay (also attached below, argues that Syrian civil war places the contradictions in US/UK foreign policy into sharp relief. While the author, Peter Oborn, does not say so, the proximate cause of these contradictions is a fatally-flawed grand strategic appreciation of the threats and interests implicit in the Syrian civil war (the criteria for evolving a …

Tom Atlee: Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy

Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy The climate crisis is far more than an environmental issue. Adequately ramping up efforts to address it will require prioritizing a climate-justice movement which taps the potent activism of struggling peoples for whom social change is and has always been a matter of survival. …

BUCKY 2.0: Event through 23 FEB 14 San Jose R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of the Universe: Solo drama

R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of the Universe: Solo drama. Written and directed by D.W. Jacobs. Through Feb. 23. $29-$74. San Jose Repertory Theatre, 101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose. (408) 367-7255. It takes a certain kind of genius to make genius entertaining, and that’s what Ron Campbell does in D.W. …

NIGHTWATCH: India Begins Military Support for Afghanistan — Robert Steele Comments

India-Afghanistan: Indian Minister of External Affairs Slaman Khurshid said on 15 February that India will provide helicopters to Afghanistan. “We are giving them helicopters and we will be supplying them very soon,” Khurshid told reporters accompanying him on a day-long visit to the Afghan city of Kandahar, where he inaugurated an agricultural university built with …

Chris Hedges: The Myth of Human Progress, The Collapse of Complex Societies — and the Salvation in Imagination and Resistance

PHI BETA IOTA ALERT: This is one of the most thoughtful, poetic, and inspiring commentaries we have every posted.  Kudos to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman for finding it. Please do click through and read every word. The Myth of Human Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies Truthdig, 26 January 2014 EXTRACTS: We must develop …