Karl Marx, Libertarians, & OWS: End STATE Power RECAP

Phi Beta Iota:  Keep an open mind. This is deeply serious and directly relevant to understanding the convergence of the honest right, the honest left, and OccupyWallStreet. Don DeBar (aligned with Cynthia McKinney) sends: Zinoviev on Lenin and the (1905) Petrograd Soviet What Lenin meant to convey was that the Soviets were not the ordinary …

Chuck Spinney: Screwing the Greeks – Deeply

Below are two eye opening reports/analyses by two of the best counterpunchers in Alexander Cockburn’s and Jeffrey St Clair’s stable of bomb throwers.  The subject is Greece: its political/economic crisis and the myths surrounding average Greeks being the cause of its crisis. In the first, Destroying the Livelihoods of Thirteen Million People: The Myth of Greek Profligacy, …

Robert Steele: US Secret Intelligence Next Steps

Responding to a media request for comment on Stephen Aftergood’s post, Intelligence Community Anticipates Budget Cuts: “The US secret intelligence community is long overdue for a draconian reduction of its budget from the $80-90 billion a year today that it wastes on contractors producing vaporware, to something closer to the $20 billion a year that …

Paul Fernhout: G. William Domhoff on Social Movements and Strategic Nonviolence

Social Movements and Strategic Nonviolence by G. William Domhoff< March 2005 One of the distinctive features of left activists is their willingness to go to the streets to win people to their causes and create the political pressures necessary for the social changes they advocate. Studies in social psychology and sociology support this strategy by …