Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part III

24 Dec Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation 3 Jan Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II Andrew Carpenter responds (Robert Steele’s opening at end): I offer here a cautionary note in three areas. First, Robert, I get that you have a prior commitment to electoral reform, and that’s your proprietary thing close to your heart. …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Trusted Bodyguard Executes Governor in Pakistan for Being a Blasphemer–Observations on Meaning for Church & State

Pakistan: An elite police commando from the provincial police force who was assigned as a bodyguard for the governor of Punjab Province murdered the governor today in Islamabad. The commando dropped his weapon and surrendered to the police, bragging that he was proud he killed a blasphemer. With that, Pakistan’s political crisis deepened.

Iceland Charts Its Course with Integrity

2009 First Results from the National Assembly Integrity is the value the representatives of the National Assembly considered most important for society. Equal rights, respect and justice follow. Next are love, responsibility, freedom, sustainability and democracy. The family, equality and trust are also high priorities. Read more…. 2010 The main conclusions from the National Forum …

Journal: Deradicalizing Islamist Extremists, Internal Al Qaeda Critiques

Deradicalizing Islamist Extremists by Angel Rabasa, Stacie Pettyjohn, Jeremy Ghez, Christopher Boucek RAND Monograph 2010 242 Pages Free Online or $26 Proactive measures to prevent vulnerable individuals from radicalizing and to rehabilitate those who have already embraced extremism have been implemented, to varying degrees, in several Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, and European countries. A key …