Journal: Iranians Making Sense on Climate Matters?

Ahmadinejad makes more sense on climate change than US leaders Ahmadinejad: All countries should be able to use nuclear power Iran’s President Says Materialism, Capitalism Cause of Climate Change Islamic Republic of Iran News Network Television (IRINN) as translated by Open Source Center (OSC) Friday, December 18, 2009 (Ahmadinezhad in progress) … … Every year …

Worth a Look: Born to Be Good–Human Compassion

Forget Survival of the Fittest: It Is Kindness That Counts A psychologist probes how altruism, Darwinism and neurobiology mean that we can succeed by not being cutthroat. Dacher Keltner, director of the Berkeley Social Interaction Laboratory, investigates these questions from multiple angles, and often generates results that are both surprising and challenging. In his new …

Journal: Withdrawal? We Don’t Need No Stinking Withdrawal…

Clinton And Gates: No Deadline On Afghan Withdrawal — We Swear! Chuck Spinney Sends…. In today’s cameos [summary attached below] on the Sunday talk show circuit, Defense Secretary Gates (no doubt the Surge’s wily deus ex machina) and Secretary of State Clinton (Gates’ transparent accomplice) stated again that there is no deadline for a withdrawal of US …

Journal: National Intelligence? Revolution in Military Affairs? A Stock-Taking

Gates: No good intel on Osama bin Laden in years Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States has not had good intelligence on the whereabouts of terrorist Osama bin Laden in years.  Gates made the comment in an interview to be aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” The Counter-Revolution In Military Affairs I (2009) …