James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – How We Know Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill, Nobody Died, Obama Officials Confirmed It Was an Anti-Gun Propaganda Exercise

James Fetzer: How we Know Sandy Hook was a FEMA Drill for Gun Control where Nobody Died Dear Mr. President, The nation over which you currently preside has been subjected to an on-going series of staged shootings, most of which—for maximal emotional effect—have involved the reported deaths of children, none more dramatically than the Sandy …

Robert Steele: The Deep State, Mind Control, & Pedophilia — Connecting the Dots…

It is my view that the Nazis and the Zionists and the Vatican and varied secret societies all converged on wanting a sustainable Deep State that could control Shadow Governments everywhere.  Mind-Control and murderous pedophilia together provided the “alchemy” that supported what became a Satanic cult of the 1% over the 99%. This one lecture …

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth Letter of Transmittal to President Trump

Mr. President, On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the …