Jean Lievens: Spanish Civil Financial Disobedience – the Story of Enric Duran and the Catalan Integrated Cooperative

With thanks to Stacco Toncoso at P2P Foundation. “Come Back” is a full-length documentary film detailing the aftermath of Spanish activist Enric Duran’s notorious action against 16 major banks. In case you’re not familiar with his act of “financial civil disobedience”, Duran attained roughly half a million Euros in bank loans and subsequently distributed the …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Round Two – Diego Garcia Chartering Cargo Ship Designed for Mass Body Transport?

New Evidence That Flight 370 Was Diverted To US Military Base US Navy Cargo Ship Only Used To Carry People Or Bodies Further evidence has emerged which may support the theory that Malaysian jetliner 370 and its 239 missing passengers and crew were taken to the US military base of Diego Garcia, located to the south …

SchwartzReport: Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies

We are in what is actually an amazing political situation; one that is very dangerous for a democracy. Neither conservatives nor social progressives have any respect for the political class, and a vast majority see them as corrupt whores for special interests. Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power …

Jean Lievens: Francine Mestrum on Promoting the Social Commons

Francine Mestrum on Promoting the Social Commons “All major international development organisations, from the World Bank over the ILO and the European Commission, plan to promote social protection in all developing countries. This may seem bizarre, since, at the same time, social protection mechanisms are being dismantled in the region where they first came about: …

Berto Jongman: Economic Misleading Indicators and Financial Crashes Explained

(Mis)leading Indicators Why Our Economic Numbers Distort Reality Zachary Karabell Foreign Affairs, March/April 2014 The indicators invented in the twentieth century were among the most important innovations of their time. But in a world where anyone with a smartphone can access more data than a team of statisticians could in 1950, governments, businesses, and individuals …