John Robb: Occupy Wall Street – The Theory (An Open Source Insurgency By-Passing the US Government)

OCCUPY WALL STREET (the theory) Really simple: Occupy Wall Street is an open source protest. This type of protest has been very effective over the last year in toppling regimes in north Africa. It’s proving relatively successful in the US too. Open source protest is an organizational technique. Probably the only organizational technique that can …

Review: We Meant Well – How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People

Peter Van Buren  5.0 out of 5 stars Six Stars & Beyond–Open Heart Surgury on a Corrupt Ignorant Government,September 29, 2011 FINAL REVIEW The author himself begins the book with a reference to Dispatches (Everyman’s Library Classics & Contemporary Classics) followed by Catch-22: 50th Anniversary Edition, to which I would add A Rumor of War. …

Koko: Leaderless Mobs – Occupy Wall Street & Occupy Freedom Plaza in Limbo

Occupy Wall Street protesters driven by varying goals Almost two weeks into an anti-greed sit-in, the ‘leaderless resistance movement’ is at a crossroads. By Tina Susman Los Angeles Times September 29, 2011, 5:48 p.m Reporting from New York— Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon have dropped in. A seasoned diplomat dispenses free advice. Supporters send everything …

John Robb: Visualizing the Arab Spring Information Flows – Revolutions Were Tweeted

The Revolutions Were Tweeted: Information Flows During the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions The shift from an era of broadcast mass media to that of networked digital media has altered both information flows and the nature of news work. Mainstream media (MSM) outlets have adopted Twitter as a means of engaging with and enlarging audiences, …