Practical Reflections on United Nations Intelligence + UN RECAP

Updated 21 Dec 2012 1800 Short Persistent URL for This Post: DOCUMENT:  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.3 21 Dec 2012 I had occasion to look at the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, and thought this would be a good time to integrate some of what I have …

Chuck Spinny: USA & Israel, Extrajudicial Killing

Obama’s kill list policy compels US support for Israeli attacks on Gaza The US was once part of the international consensus against extra-judicial assassinations. Now it is a leader in that tactic. Glenn Greenwald., Thursday 15 November 2012 13.23 EST Israel‘s escalating air attacks on Gaza follow the depressingly familiar pattern that shapes this …

2012 Robert Steele: Addressing the Seven Sins of Foreign Policy — Why Defense, Not State, Is the Linch Pin for Global Engagement

Short Persistent URL: I wrote this with John Kerry and Michele Flourney in mind, but regardless of who is eventually made Secretary of Defense, the core concept remains: the center of gravity for massive change in the US Government and in the nature of how the US Government ineracts with the rest of the …

Del Spurlock Jr.: Requiem for the All-Volunteer Force — and a Comment on Thomas Ricks’ “The Generals”

I supported the all-volunteer force but I now recognize the wisdom of General Matthew Ridgeway–he warned against relying on all volunteer force..  In combination with a battlefield full of unaccountable contractors — and a military no longer able to go to war without contractors — the failures of our generals are part of a larger …

Marcus Aurelius: Thomas Ricks on Generals “Casual Arrogance”

Combine this with the reporting on toxic leadership (e.g. by LTG(R) Walter Ulmer) and you have the whole picture.  Emphasis added below. Questioning The Brass By Thomas E. Ricks New York Times, November 12, 2012 Pg. 29 Washington–OVER the last 11 years, as we fought an unnecessary war in Iraq and an unnecessarily long one …

Robert Steele: How Obama’s Team Melded Big Data to Raise Money & Win Votes, Defeating the “Nine Ways” and “Twelve Amigos”

TIME has provided an utterly spectacular story on how the Obama team melded big data.  As I finished the article, I could not help but wonder how much more useful the secret intelligence world would be, to so many more people, if it could do this for the rest of the world — with the …