Event: AM 31 Mar Washington Panel on Complexity & Reflexivity, Washington Academy of Sciences + Meta-RECAP

Complexity and Reflexivity Papers presented at the Washington Academy of Sciences Washington, DC, March 31-April 1, 2012 UPDATED 24 Feb to post all links Conceptions of Complexity and Implications for Economics Stuart Umpleby, The George Washington University, Washington, DC Experiments in Reflexive Inquiry Kent Myers, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton Conceptual Difficulties and Pragmatic Responses to …

MIT Online vs. Your Local College: How Will Web Learning Stack Up?

MIT Online vs. Your Local College: How Will Web Learning Stack Up? Alan Jacobs – Alan Jacobs is the Clyde S. Kilby Professor of English at Wheaton College. He blogs at ayjay.tumblr.com. The Atlantic, 23 February 2012 The success of e-education depends on whether universities can design online environments that are conducive to learning. In …

Progressive Press Integrated Bibliography Project

Below is the beginning of an integrated bibliography with links to Amazon pages for each book or DVD, a few links to articles or papers.  It provides a searchable means of considering many authors whose books question the mainstream myths while challenging the integrity of the existing blend of neo-everything.

John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then …

Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War

COMMENT:  Only a couple of things wrong with the scenario described below:  (1) Vickers works for a POTUS, Administration and Congress committed to emasculating the National security operation IOT underwrite the incompetent/unindustrious/etc.; and (2) not always possible to be optimally surgical. Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2012, Pg. 30 Slouching Toward Persistent War Even as our …

Berto Jongman: Edge Book Series

These books may be interesting.  The top one was just released. This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking [John Brockman et al, 2012] What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit? This is the question John Brockman, publisher of Edge.org, posed to the world’s most influential thinkers. Their visionary answers …