Journal: Neither Twitter nor Facebook Lead Revolution

The attached critique of network centric change has facebook/twitter evangelicals in uproar, but it is very insightful, and, I would add, consistent with every treatise on guerrilla warfare and revolution I have read. Chuck ANNALS OF INNOVATION SMALL CHANGE Why the revolution will not be tweeted. by Malcolm Gladwell, New Yorker OCTOBER 4, 2010 Social …

Journal: Henry Seigman on Israel’s Freeze Scam

Netanyahu’s Freeze Scam by Henry Siegman 30 Sep 2010 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the formal White House launching of the resumed Middle East peace talks on September 2 were the clearest indication yet of his lack of seriousness. But neither the host, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, nor any of the distinguished guests …

Reference: Robert Steele at Huffington Post

Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: September 28, 2010 10:25 AM It’s Official — Steele Won Virtual Presidency I held a bi-partisan vote today, with me representing the Democratic Party while I represented the Republican Party. Strict ballot access controls ensured a unanimous outcome — the new Virtual …

Reference: Knowledge Management Elements

Knowledge Management Specialties By Stan Garfield (Twitter: @stangarfield) – Revised September 1, 2010 The field of knowledge management includes a wide variety of components and disciplines.  Here is a list of 25 specialties practiced by those in the field, followed by Tara Pangakis list of 50 KM components across people, processes, and technologies. Sharing, culture, …

Reflections from Tom Atlee–We Beg One and All to Read and Contribute-and Join Us in Louiseville!

Phi Beta Iota: We beg one and all to read this and to contribute to the Co-Intelligence Institute whatever they can, be it $20 or $250 (our founder’s usual contribution).  Tom Atlee brought collective intelligence and public intelligence to where it is today.  America–and the world–need him vibrant and engaged.  PLEASE do what you can …