Mini-Me: Palantir’s OSINT Demo + Palantir & All-Source Workstation Round-Up

Huh? OSINT Analysis of Sudan and South Sudan In this session, we will demonstrate how Palantir can draw from a plethora of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) data sources (including academic research, blogs, news media, NGO reports and United Nations studies) to rapidly construct an understanding of the conflict underlying this somewhat anomalous 21st Century event. …

Mini-Me: Cognitive Dissonance at NSA + NSA High Crimes RECAP + Integrity Remediation

Huh? Do You Trust the Washington Post‘s Sources on Morale at the NSA? Former officials insist that employees are upset because President Obama hasn’t visited to show his support. Conor Friedersdorf Reuters via The Atlantic, Dec 10 2013, 8:20 AM ET A strange Washington Post story gives readers the impression that morale is low at …

Beyond Google: What to Do When Google Does Not Answer Your Questions in a Useful Way

Phi Beta Iota: This is a NEW seminar that can be commissioned for face to face or remote video presentation.  It is world-class and absolutely essential to any professionals who are now dependent on Google for open source searches. The ideal arrangement involving travel would establish three audiences for the same trip: government, commerce, and …

Patrick Meier: Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online

Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online Philosophy Professor, Karen Frost-Arnold, has just published a highly lucid analysis of the dangers that come with Internet accountability (PDF). While the anonymity provided by social media can facilitate the spread of lies, Karen rightly argues that preventing anonymity can undermine online communities by stifling communication and …

Changes in the Social Media Monitoring Field

Changes in the Social Media Monitoring Field A recent move by social media monitoring firm DataSift has Business2Community contemplating “The Stratification of Social Media Listening.” DataSift is now working with Tumblr to distribute that site’s content to subscribers, and writer Mike Moran takes the occasion to discuss ways social media monitoring has changed since he …

Berto Jongman: U.S. command in Afghanistan gives Army 60 days to fix or replace intel network [meanwhile, Palantir spends millions buying legislative intervention]

U.S. command in Afghanistan gives Army 60 days to fix or replace intel network The Pentagon’s main battlefield intelligence network in Afghanistan is vulnerable to hackers — both the enemy or a leaker — and the U.S. command in Kabul will cut it off from the military’s classified data files unless the Army fixes the …

Berto Jongman: John McAfee Vows to Make Internet “Impossible to Hack” + Internet/Human Intelligence Meta-RECAP [Bottom Line Up Front: Internet without Intelligence and Integrity is Noise]

John McAfee vows to make Internet ‘impossible to hack’ By Dan Nakaso >Posted:   09/24/2013 05:38:37 PM PDT | Updated:   a day ago SAN JOSE — Anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who buried himself in the sand to hide from police in Belize, faked a heart attack in a Guatemalan detention center and …