2010 Hacking Humanity & SPY IMPROV, Email, Photos, Complete Audio

The State of Global Intelligence Robert Steele Our first speaker at our first conference back in 1994 is back to once again presents an overview of global intelligence. Smart Cities, Smart Corporations, Smart Nations are the ideal. The “tribes” of intelligence – academic, civil, commercial, government, law enforcement, military, and non-governmental – are almost catatonically …

Event: 3-5 Nov 2010, Barcelona Spain, Drumbeat Festival 2010: Learning, freedom and the web

The web is changing how we learn. It surrounds us with a massive and remixable tapestry of perspectives, facts and data. It gives us the freedom to learn whatever we want at our own speed and in our own way. It lets us become our own teachers. Fundamentally: the free and open nature of the …

Journal: Over $1 trillion Wasted on Wars, Veterans and Families of Veterans Vocal Against Both Elective Wars

$1 trillion wasted on wars By KEVIN RAFFERTY Aug 4, 2010 Special to The Japan Times HONG KONG — The calculator busily counting out how much money the United States has spent on wars since 2001 has raced past $1 trillion — $1,024 billion plus at the start of August. There is little point in …

Review: Hack the Planet–Science’s Best Hope–or Worst Nightmare–For Averting Climate Catastrophe

Tour of the Horizon, the Smartest of Skeptics July 25, 2010 Eli Kintisch I bristled when I saw the title, but bought the book in association with my own talk to Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) on “Hacking Humanity.” I’ve put the book down glad I did not give up in the early pages, and …

Rummaging in the Government’s Attic: Lessons Learned from 1,000 FOIA Requests

Presented by Michael Ravnitzky & Phil Lapsley at The Next HOPE, July 2010 in NYC (page 18 of the presentation) The three exemptions most misused • Exemption b(1) – currently and properly classified national security information • Exemption b(2) – internal materials • Exemption b(5) – legally privileged material; usually the “deliberative process privilege” Be …