Tom Atlee: Occupation Catalytic Butterfly

Tom-Atlee’s posterous Random Communications from an Evolutionary Edge Occupation Catalytic Butterfly Along with a lot of other people, I’ve been wondering what’s going on with Occupy Wall Street. Although it obviously shares energy with the Wisconsin occupation and Arab Spring, its mix of persistence and lack of demands makes it a puzzle, dragging it right …

Event: 5 Oct 10-11:30 Washington DC Paul Pillar on Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy – Iraq, 9/11 and Misguided Reform

21st Century Defense Initiative Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11 and Misguided Reform A Discussion With Author Paul R. Pillar Book Amazon Page with Summary Review of Book by Robert Steele See Also Book Amazon Page for We Meant Well with Summary Review Also Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 10:00am — 11:30am The Brookings Institution, …

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all …

Cynthia McKinney: Fidel Castro Makes Sense, Slams Barack Obama for “Gibberish” and Moral Hazard

Fidel Castro calls Obama UN address ‘gibberish’ Tuesday, 27 September 2011 14:28 “Who understands the gibberish of the president of the United States before the General Assembly?” Castro asked. AFP – September 26, 2011 HAVANA – Cuba’s Fidel Castro blasted Barack Obama’s speech to the United Nations as “gibberish” on Monday, saying the US president …

Review: Lines of Fire – A Renegade Writes on Strategy, Intelligence, and Security

Ralph Peters 5.0 out of 5 stars Six Star Epilogue, the Capstone Work, September 26, 2011 I have been a fan of Ralph Peters for over fifteen years now, going back to the early 1990’s when the US Marine Corps was trying to get the Secretary of Defense (then Dick Cheney) to focus on most …