Paul Craig Roberts: Does Truth Have a Future in America?

Does Truth Have A Future In America?  EXTRACT: Hope or no hope, truth is becoming harder to come by. During the Vietnam war when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, the New York Times published them. However, during the Iraq war when a National Security Agency whistleblower leaked the information to the New York Times …

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook Massacre — Still Conflicted

Huh? Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op” By Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Dennis Cimino, who has extensive engineering and support experience with military electronics, predominantly US Navy Combat Systems, was the Navy’s top EMI troubleshooter …

Eagle: European Court Convicts CIA of Rendition, Torture & Sodomy — Many More Cases Starting to Come Together Against CIA

Khaled El-Masri, German Allegedly Kidnapped By CIA In Afghanistan, Wins Case Angela Charlton Huffington Post, 13 December 2012 PARIS — A European court issued a landmark ruling Thursday that condemned the CIA’s “extraordinary renditions” programs and bolstered those who say they were illegally kidnapped and tortured as part of an overzealous war on terrorism. The …

Chuck Spinney: Reality Reporting from Syria — USG Has No Idea….

Below is an excellent sitrep on the Syrian civil war.  The author, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best observers of the Middle East. Chuck Spinney DECEMBER 17, 2012 What is Really Happening in Syria Descent Into Holy War by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch EXTRACT: Syria today resembles Iraq nine years ago in another disturbing …

Owl: UPDATED Top US War Criminals Named [Synopsis Added]

I put this first bit together to make it easier to grasp the depth and breadth of this scholarly and legal indictment. Scholar Names Top US War Criminals More Than Thirty Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes According to the distinguished American international law authority, Francis Boyle, a Professor of International Law at the …

Anthony Judge: Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not?

Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not? Introduction Being wary of “legality” Being wary of “accountability” Being wary of “marketability” Being wary of “security” Systemic implications of “horsemen” and “hoarsemen” and correspondences between them Being wary of the Four Hoarsemen acting together Being where and how …