Rickard Falkvinge: UK ISPs Censorship Violates Mere Carrier Status, Opens Way for Punishing Legal Assault

Censorship Triggers Liability: UK ISPs Need To Be Sued Way Out Into Atlantic Infrastructure: Internet Service Providers in the United Kingdom have started censoring the Internet wholesale by default. This is a horrible transgression against the free exchange of ideas, cheered on by authoritarian politicians. However, there is an important weapon built into the legal framework …

SchwartzReport: Jewish Pedophilia, US Media Self-Censorship

I have done what seem endless stories about pedophilia and the Roman Catholic clergy, and another number about Islamic orthodoxies profound sexual dysfunctionality concerning women, and several on the same problem with Ultra-orthodox Judaism. Here is another story. I think one has to conclude that religious fundamentalism of whatever stripe is defined by its sexual …

SchwartzReport: 2012 Summary of Mainstream Media Malpractice and Self-Censorship

2012: Another Year in Mainstream Media Malpractice amerigus Monday December 31, 2012 As we ring in 2013, it’s time to recognize how the major media buries the issues most important to Americans. With newsrooms focusing so much right now on the fiscal cliff and gun rights, it’s instructive to see nobody looking at the heart …

John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination

The Automation of Government Coercion Posted: 25 May 2012 09:10 AM PDT I recently did a series of interviews for an international venture investing newsletter called Capitalist Exploits.  Here’s a question I got that I thought we be of interest to GG readers.  I’ve extended the answer a bit from the original in the interview. …

Berto Jongman: Internet Censorship – Corporate Control

Tech giants have power to be political masters as well as our web ones The Arab spring showed how multinationals can wield power without responsibility by controlling internet access John Naughton The Observer, 25 February 2012 Among all the excited commentary about the role of social networking in the Arab spring, one uncomfortable fact stands …

John Robb: YouTube Censorship by the Millions

What do you think of the following: YouTube has an “informal system” that allows companies with copyrights to automatically scan all uploads for potential violations. If the software detects the “possibility” of a violation (image, tune, trademark, etc.), it automatically tells YouTube to delete the content. This software is so automated, it can censor millions …

Reference: Internet Censorship Circumvention

Global Voices Blog Critique from Jacob Appelbaum: My motivation for writing this response is to inform readers of the serious concerns that many people, myself included, have about the recent Freedom House report. I am always pleased to see more analysis of censorship circumvention and Internet security tools, but I have concerns about this report’s …