Matthew Ehret: From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism

From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism As I outlined in my previous article on the Clash of the Two Systems, the end of the 19th century saw a major clash between two opposing paradigms of political economy which has largely been scrubbed out of history books. …

Matthew Ehret: The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon

The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon I think any sane human being can agree that while war was never a good idea, war in the 21st century is an absolutely intolerable one. The problem we currently face is that many of the forces driving world events towards an all-out war of “Mutually …

Matthew Ehret: Wuhan Labs, Zionism, Rapture and the British Creation of Synthetic Cults: Why China is Not Your Enemy!

Wuhan Labs, Zionism, Rapture and the British Creation of Synthetic Cults: Why China is Not Your Enemy! The belief that China is to blame for the world’s ills from Covid-19 to the Great Reset and the immanent collapse of the west has become widespread among viewers of mainstream media and alternative media alike. Rather than …

Matthew Ehret: Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics

Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics What are the roots of the transhumanist movement that is currently shaping so much of today’s zeitgeist under such themes as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Ray Kurzweil’s “singularity point”, and Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution? In this Escaping the Brave New World Podcast, Chained Muse Editor David …

Matthew Ehret: The Philippines- A Nation Caught Between 2 Systems

The Philippines- A Nation Caught Between 2 Systems In this Rising Tide Foundation Dialogue, I had the chance to talk to Butch Valdes on the past, present and hopeful future of the Philippines as a nation today being pulled between two opposing paradigms. Butch is the former undersecretary of education under President Estrada (1998-2001), and …

Matthew Ehret: Plato and Confucius, Spiritual Brothers and Philosopher Kings Living at Two Ends of the World Island

Plato and Confucius, Spiritual Brothers and Philosopher Kings Living at Two Ends of the World Island In this Rising Tide Foundation lecture, Dr. Quan Le breaks the commonly held belief that the west and east are organized by two fundamentally opposing paradigms of Confucian pragmatism on the one side in opposition to Platonic idealism on the other. …

Matthew Ehret: For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII 76 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War. Today, as the world celebrates the anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all? If you’re confused …