Robert Steele: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?

Short URL This Page: NEW 8 July 2016: Updated to include 70 anomalies documented with links, and add copy of letter to Director of the FBI as certified delivered by the US Postal Service. The updated version with 166 notes is below the fold. HOME PAGE: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag …

Robert Steele: Advanced Scale Computing — Probably Not in Our Lifetime…

Advanced Scale Computing – Probably Not In Our Lifetime Unless we embrace Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) In the ideal, Advanced Scale Computing (ASC) would be holistic – integrating all information across all disciplines, languages, domains, and modes of cyber space-time. ASC today does not integrate all measurements such as true cost economics (e.g. natural …

OpenDemocracy: Robert Steele, American Intelligence and National Defense 2.0

American intelligence and national defense 2.0 Robert David Steele 10 November 2015 An Open Source (Technologies) Agency, far removed from the secret intelligence world, would radically reduce wars and illegal immigration, increase trade and shared prosperity, and convert the USA into a “Smart Nation”. On 06/17/11, I wrote the first installment of National intelligence and …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part I in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Updated November 15, 2016 Robert Steele This is the author’s preliminary draft of the first of three monographs focused …

Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0

Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 Can Open Source Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? DOC (16 Pages): 20151018 Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 DOC (3 Pages): D3 Innovation Memorandum 2.1 (to VP, SecState, SecDef, D/OMB, A/USAID delivered 14 October 2015) SHORT URL: ABSTRACT The information and intelligence (decision-support) domains have lost their …