John Pilger: Obama Has Set Stage for World War with China and Russia (and Iran)

A World War has Begun: Break the Silence How many people are aware that a world war has begun? At present, it is a war of propaganda, of lies and distraction, but this can change instantaneously with the first mistaken order, the first missile. In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the …

Paul Craig Roberts: Summary of USG Financial Fraud from Clinton to Obama

The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover CounterPunch, 19 February 2016 The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated.   . . .   The Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy was designed to support the balance sheets of the mega-banks and denied Americans interest …

Barack Obama: Kill List Exposed: Leaked Obama Memo Shows Assassination of U.S. Citizens “Has No Geographic Limit”

My legacy, and proud of it. Kill List Exposed: Leaked Obama Memo Shows Assassination of U.S. Citizens The Obama administration’s internal legal justification for assassinating U.S. citizens without charge has been revealed for the first time. In a secret Justice Department memo, the administration claims it has legal authority to assassinate U.S. citizens overseas even …

Berto Jongman: Symour Hersh Deep Look at Obama versus the US Military on Syria

Military to Military Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war ‘If Assad fails,’ Lin wrote in a paper published in September, ‘jihadi fighters from Russia’s Chechnya, China’s Xinjiang and India’s Kashmir will then turn their eyes towards the home front to continue jihad, supported by a new and well-sourced Syrian operating …

Mongoose: ISIS Leader “We Are Funded By The Obama Administration”

ISIS Leader: We Are Funded By The Obama Administration Yousaf al Salafi, a man believed to be the Pakistani commander of Islamic State (ISIS), claims that  confessed that he has been receiving money through the United States. Al-Salafi made his claims during an interrogation by the Pakistani government. Salafi confessed that he “received money to …

Ray McGovern: Obama An Empty Shell — Allowing Neocons, Wall Street, and Arms Merchants to Thrive on Proxy War with Russia

The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria It does not appear as though Obama has the same degree of control over foreign and defense policy that Putin enjoys in Moscow   . . .   Perhaps the greatest danger from Obama’s acquiescence to the neocons’ new Cold War with Russia is that the neocon hopes for “regime change …