Mongoose: The 5 steps of the malicious global pandemic strategy

The 5 steps of the malicious global pandemic strategy Every day more data surface on deaths and other ill effects from COVID-19 vaccines – not that most people would know this if they depend on mainstream and corporate social media for pandemic information. In collusion with governments, big media don’t provide daily headlines and data …

Mongoose: A colossal cover-up of countless COVID vaccine “coincidences”

A colossal cover-up of countless COVID vaccine “coincidences” Back in February, CNN did a “hatchet job” on us. It was nothing but utter lies and nonsense and personal attacks. Then in March, the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” (CCDH) posted their ‘Top 10’ list of Anti-Vaxxers that need to be removed from Facebook and Instagram. …

DefDog: Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease. They made no secret of this, …

DefDog: Employers may be liable for ‘any adverse reaction’ from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA

Employers may be liable for ‘any adverse reaction’ from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put employers on notice that should they attempt to require employees to receive injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines a resulting adverse reaction will be considered …

Mongoose: How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness”

How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness” The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease. They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes …

Mongoose: 57 scientists and doctors call for immediate stop of all Covid-19 “vaccinations”

57 scientists and doctors call for immediate stop of all Covid-19 “vaccinations” A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and political experts have released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of current COVID-19 ” vaccines “, and are now calling for an immediate stop to all vaccination programs, A French blog FranceSoir reported. Among …

David Lifschultz: Vaccine Deaths Mounting: 100,000 Dead from Coronavirus Vaccine?

Vaccine Deaths Mounting: 100,000 Dead from Coronavirus Vaccine? Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899 We recently sent out the Tucker Carlson report booted off of Facebook Totalitarian Censorship where he merely cited about 3,000 dead from the vaccinations but added that this could be off by a hundred times or that the figure …