Bob Zimmerman: Water Transformation

In Charles River Watershed Association’s (CRWA) Water Transformation series, Executive Director Bob Zimmerman outlines CRWA’s new and innovative projects that work to fully restore the Charles River by examining and re-imagining water infrastructure. 11 Segments Below the Fold

SchwartzReport: Harvesting Water from Fog

Here is a lovely story of a creative low tech and inexpensive solution to certain kinds of drought. It wouldn’t work everywhere, but it will many places. It replicates a technology used by Egyptians 5,000 years ago. Trapping humidity out of fog in Chile

Reflections on Open Source Water Desalination

SHORT URL: IF sea level is rising by 3mm a year, and there are roughly 335,258,000 square kilometers of ocean surface, and a 3mm rise equates to 3,000 cubic meters per square kilometer, THEN there are one trillion cubic meters (1,005,774,000,000) of sea water available for harvesting if our objective is to both maintain …

Jean Lievens: Rights to Water and Land — the Next Global Revolution?

Rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle The declaration on the rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle, was originally presented at the World Social Forum in Tunis. To date, more than 200 million hectares of land have been grabbed globally by private firms, governments, elites and speculators, often with the support of …