Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas

Robert David Steele (Vivas) is the founder of OSS.NET, a web site dedicated to international intelligence reform including improved use of open source intelligence (OSINT).  He has served in three of the four directorates of the Central Intelligence Agency, as a clandestine case officer, an all-source requirements and collection manager, and as project leader for …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Jan-Inge Svensson

Jan-Inge Svensson is a colonel (now retired) in the Royal Swedish Army. In 2002 he was the  Commanding officer of the Swedish Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Centre. In 1995 he was Head of the G-2 section (intelligence) of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Zagreb.  In 1996 he developed and implemented a Swedish …