Jean Lievens: Demonetization – Replacing Transactions with Social Relationships

The Demonetization Agenda – replacing transactions with social relations Republished from Stefan Meretz: “The question of how we deal with and act within the given monetary environment is crucial for the commons movement, since the monetary logic and the commons logic are opposites. Contrary to the claims of mainstream economics, money is not neutral or …

Jean Lievens: Elements of Collaborative Economy – Social, Mobile, Payment Networks

Forget about Growth Hacking, the future is in the Collaborative Economy VIDEO Anyone working in digital can somewhat relate to the overuse of loosely defined marketing words – think ‘big data’ or ‘cloud computing’ (bzzzz). Growth hacking seems to be just another one of them. In colloquial terms, growth hacking is associated with the exploitation …

Jean Lievens: What We Need in NextGen Social Network – The Next Web (Facebook Is For Grandparents)

Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network By Jonathan Saragossi, Sunday, 24 Nov ’13 , 10:25pm It’s time to move on. The feeling is becoming more and more significant with each passing day and it just keeps spreading. It’s just not it any more… we want something new, exciting, which …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media and News – Amazing Graphic + Comment on Amazon & Wikipedia

Social Media and News: Amazing Graphic “News Use across Social Media Platforms” confirms what I have suspected for a while. The mobile generation has some interesting behavior patterns with regard to news. Among the factoids that the Pew outfit has boiled down to numbers are: ITEM: YouTube viewers are not using the service to get …

Patrick Meier: Live Crisis Map of Disaster Damage Reported on Social Media

Live Crisis Map of Disaster Damage Reported on Social Media Digital humanitarian volunteers have been busing tagging images posted to social media in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda. More specifically, they’ve been using the new MicroMappers ImageClicker to rate the level of damage they see in each image. Thus far, they have clicked over 7,000 images. Those that …