Stuart Umpleby: Papers on Reflexivity, Soros Reviews

2010 “From Complexity to Reflexivity: The Next Step in the Systems Sciences” 2009 with Emil Nedev, “A Reflexive view of a Transdisciplinary Field: The Case of Cybernetics” 2007 “Reflexivity in Social Systems: The Theories of George Soros” 1990 “A Preliminary Inventory of Theories Available to Guide the Reform of Socialist Societies” Many Other Papers See …

John Marke: Complexity Enhanced Risk Insights

Accenture isn’t “top of mind” when we think of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)…for now.   I recall a Senior Director at consulting firm I worked for (it’s no longer in business)  tell an auditorium of about 1000 consultants “I’m not afraid of Accenture.  They don’t scare me.”  Ah huh. I thought: “That’s because you haven’t come up against them in the …

Howard Rheingold: Cooperation Theory

Introduction to Cooperation Theory A six week course using asynchronous forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, social bookmarks, synchronous audio, video, chat, and Twitter to introduce the fundamentals of an interdisciplinary study of cooperation: social dilemmas, institutions for collective action, the commons, evolution of cooperation, technologies of cooperation, and cooperative arrangements in biology from cells to ecosystems. …

Retrospective: Jackie Salit Nails Two Parties in 2010

THE PARTIES ARE OVER by Jacqueline Salit Goodbye two-Party system?  Discontent is building to open up the political process NEW YORK NEWSDAY THE SUNDAY SPECIAL October 31, 2010 Name a problem — poverty, war, out-of-control spending. The political parties offer themselves as the solution to all of the above, and more. We respond by voting …

Seth Godin: Paradigm Shift toward Cooperation

Coordination Our economy is almost entirely based on a Darwinian competition–many products and services fighting for shelf space and market share and profits. It’s a wasteful process, because success is unpredictable and unevenly distributed. The internet has largely mirrored (and amplified) this competition. eBay, for example, not only pits sellers against one another, it also …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Paul Fernhout

Paul Fernhout has been helping his wife (Cynthia Kurtz) develop Rakontu, a free and open source software communications and sensemaking tool for small purpose-driven communities that focuses on exchanging stories. He has hopes to expand Rakontu eventually into a broader Public Intelligence platform including a semantic desktop, simulations, narrative methods, visualization tools, and structured arguments. …