2000 Mueller (AT) Some Thoughts on Open Source

Austrian military intelligence is concerned with central Asia as well as former elements of the USSR, and it has been a great benefit to the multinational participants to have Austian field grade officers in regular attendance.  At OSS 2000 Brigadier General Wolfgang Mueller brought back to the group his own service’s experience and concerns.

2000 Politi (IT) The Birth of OSINT in Italy

Alessandro Politi was “present at the creation” in 1992, and on that occasion, while not a speaker, coined the term “intelligence minuteman” over dinner, and was instantly recognized as a thought leader.  he went on to pioneer modern OSINT within Italy as well as the Western European Union. Golden Candle Award: Mr. Alessandro Politi, Western …

2000 Sandman (US) Applied Human Intellect: Interpreting the Data Bits

Mike Sandman, along with Jan Herring and Leonard Fuld, is arguably one of America’s top commercial or competitive intelligence providers.  He has in many ways defined the emergent industry, which still lacks sufficient appreciation for many factors including energy and environmental and human. Click on the logo below to go to the Academy of Competitive …