4th Media: Washington’s Mujahideen Dissolve: Dissolving the Mercenary/Terrorists/Rebels CIA Club

Washington’s Mujahideen Dissolve: Dissolving the Mercenary/Terrorists/Rebels CIA Club Western dialectics are beyond any doubt the pinnacle of human achievements. “Democracy” means “rule of corporations and oligarchs,”+ “Law” means “what civil servants need for their own profit”* while dictionaries define Ev·i·dence [noun] 1: False claim made by a government. “Terrorists” are those fighting Western regimes; “freedom …

Marcus Aurelius: N.S.A. Gathers Data On Social Connections Of U.S. Citizens

New York Times September 29, 2013 Pg. 1 N.S.A. Gathers Data On Social Connections Of U.S. Citizens By James Risen and Laura Poitras WASHINGTON — Since 2010, the National Security Agency has been exploiting its huge collections of data to create sophisticated graphs of some Americans’ social connections that can identify their associates, their locations …

Owl: Hedges, Others, Predict US Financial Collapse in 2014

Collapse is Soon, says Hedges, and Others Predict it for 2014 “It is estimated that total derivative exposure of the financial system is between one quadrillion and one and a half quadrillion. A quadrillion is 1,000 trillion dollars and it has largely collapsed.The entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all the world’s countries in 2011 …

Berto Jongman: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Special Report Fixing Intelligence on Syria?

Special report: fixing intelligence on Syria? If there is anything to learn from the Syrian conflict, it is that in the fog of war, truth really is the first casualty. Narratives and counter-narratives of the conflict have plagued media accounts and the blogosphere ever since it erupted in the form of angry street protests over …

Steve Aftergood: Court Finds CIA in Contempt on FOIA Abuse

COURT CURBS CIA USE OF A FOIA EXEMPTION The Central Intelligence Agency tried to make “inappropriate” use of an exemption from the Freedom of Information Act to withhold information that was not subject to the exemption, a federal court ruled last month. In a significant interpretation of the Central Intelligence Agency Act, Judge Beryl A. …