2010 Reference: HEALTH Facebook Pages

Accreditation Commission for Health Care Action for Mental Health Adventist Health African American Health Council of Southeastern CT Alaska Native Tribal Health Statewide Recruiting Alliance for Natural Health Ambassadors for Sustained Health American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living American Health Lawyers Association

2010 Julian Harston “Intelligence Assessment and Risk Analysis in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations – A Necessity”

Intelligence Assessment and Risk Analysis in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations – A necessity. Julian Harston, United Nations, Assistant Secretary General (rtd) October 2010 Document:  2010 JMAC Speech Julian Harston ‘We are fully aware of your long-standing limitations in gathering information. The limitations are inherent in the very nature of the United Nations and therefore …

TED Video on “Connectivity=Productivity” Growth of Bangladesh Telecom to Allieviate Poverty

Iqbal Quadir Creates a Culture of Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh Why does poverty exist? That’s no small question for an individual to ask, but in Iqbal Quadir’s homeland, Bangladesh, there may be no other question that matters more. His answer is twofold: First, European prosperity resulted from the devolution of authorities and the empowerment of citizens, …

Reference: Panetta Puts Lipstick on the Pig (Again)

Message from the Director: Lessons from Khowst Last December, our Agency family lost seven courageous and talented colleagues in a terrorist attack at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khowst, Afghanistan. These dedicated men and women were assigned to CIA’s top priority—disrupting and dismantling al-Qa’ida and its militant allies. That work carries, by its very nature, …

Review (Guest): What Technology Wants

Kevin Kelly From Booklist:  Verbalizing visceral feelings about technology, whether attraction or repulsion, Kelly explores the “technium,” his term for the globalized, interconnected stage of technological development. Arguing that the processes creating the technium are akin to those of biological evolution, Kelly devotes the opening sections of his exposition to that analogy, maintaining that the …