Journal: With No Successor In Sight, Intelligence Czar Departs

FULL STORY:  Declassified ( May 28, 2010 By Mark Hosenball On Dennis Blair’s last day in office as director of national intelligence, the Obama administration seems more stymied than ever in its efforts to replace him. Following a torrent of criticism from Capitol Hill—apparently touched off by this Declassified interview with Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the …


Defying a previous veto threat from the White House, the House of Representatives will consider an amendment to bolster intelligence oversight by requiring intelligence agencies to cooperate with the Government Accountability Office when it performs audits that are requested by a congressional committee with jurisdiction over intelligence. In general, the amendment (pdf) states, “the Director …

Review: Endless War–Middle-Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization

27 March 2010: Full spread sheet and optimal links added below Amazon review.GOT TO RUN, Links later today. Beyond Five Stars…Gifted Mix of Intelligence, Integrity, Insight Deeply Rooted in History and Firmly Focused on Today’s Reality March 21, 2010 Ralph Peters I do not always agree with Ralph Peters, but along with Steve Metz and …