1995 INS 10/4 Private Enterprise Intelligence: Its Potential Contribution to National Security
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“Private Enterprise Intelligence: Its Potential Contribution to National Security” Subscibe To or Buy Articles from INS
NATIONAL INFORMATION STRATEGY: CENDI & COSPO AS CATALYSTS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Introduction Open Source Roots–Copeland Anecdote Informing the Consumer or Collecting Secrets? 90% of Consumer’s Input Unclassified & Unanalyzed (Congress, White House, Bureaucracy, Foreign Governments, Lobbyists, Think Tanks, Media, Friends–<10% Intelligence) 40-80% of Producer’s Input from Open Sources–Allen Dulles New Threats/Environments Lend …
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Why Spy? John Perry Barlow Forbes, 10.07.02 If the spooks can’t analyze their own data, why call it intelligence? For more than a year now, there has been a deluge of stories and op-ed pieces about the failure of the American intelligence community to detect or prevent the September 11, 2001, massacre. Nearly all of …
Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit What is the Secretary of Labor trying to tell us that the Director of Central Intelligence needs to help his staff to understand? Robert David Steele – Vivas Proceedings, Society of Photo-Optical Engineers (Spring 1994) Original As Published (OSS ’93) Full …
“GOD, MAN, & INFORMATION: COMMENTS TO INTERVAL IN-HOUSE” Tuesday, 9 March 1993 Robert David Steele Executive Summary Electromagnetic pollution–in the form of both increased levels of uncontrolled and misunderstood levels of emission, and in the form of broader and more intense bandwidth exploitation–constitutes the technical terror of the 21st century.[1] There is another terror facing …
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This was written for and disseminated within OSS ’93. It subsrequently was printed in the membership publication Society of Photo-Optical Engineers (Spring 1994). Although pioneers like Herman Daly had already outlined Ecological Economics, and Paul Hawkin and others would eventually define “true cost” metrics that prohibit the externalization of costs to the public, this piece …
Steele, Robert. “Welcoming Remarks by Robert D. Steele, Host: Consumer Needs, Data Changes, Technology Changes, Organizational Changes, Future Vision & Issues,” McLean, VA: First International Symposium on National Security & National Competitiveness, Open Source Solutions, December 1, 1992. Full Text Below the Fold