Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth Letter of Transmittal to President Trump

Mr. President, On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the …

John Lear: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms?

9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms? 28 July 2018 Mr. President, A Hollywood producer told me about fifteen years ago, just after 9/11 had occurred, a story about the state of the art of hologram projection as it was known to Hollywood executives including Stephen Spielberg, in the early 1990’s. …

Nick Kollerstrom & Jim Fetzer: 9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role?

9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role? Was 9/11 an inside job? America was in some degree seeded with the perpetration of this event, from outside, and various echelons of its security services and military then responded by co-operating and then weaving a Muslims-did-it story. That is the hypothesis we will here examine. I. Silverstein …

Sander Hicks: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Truth Can Unite the Public Against the Deep State

9/11 Truth Can Unite the Public Against the Deep State 25 July 2018 Mr. President, An opportunity exists for you to unite the public by fulfilling your campaign promise to get to the bottom of 9/11 and disclose the truth. 9/11/18 is coming soon. Please use your speech on that day to finish the job …