Ryan Dawson: $50 for the Map of Zionist Billionaires Funding and Associated with Mossad Pedophilia Entrapment Operations

To the left is the OLD map. We have the new map which names over twelve Zionist billionaires that should all be under DOJ RICO investigation for pedophilia entrapment in support of nuclear smuggling, intellectual property theft, insider trading, and child torture and murder in association with Satanic Ritual Abuse.  DO YOU WANT THE EPSTEIN …

SPECIAL on Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism: The Secret Strategy Used To Carry Out An American ‘Bolshevik Revolution’ See Also: The Millenium Report Recent Articles on Cultural Marxism Robert Steele on the Zionist Parasite (Capstone Article with Links)

Alexandra Bruce: Deep State from CIA to Israel to Monsanto to Nazis to Romney . . .

“…It’s pretty stunning, to see the thread connecting Agent Orange, Monsanto, GMOs, IG Farben, Zyklon B, Adolf Hitler, Operation Paperclip, Standard Oil, Rockefeller medicine, Robert Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, Raytheon, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Ryan Seacrest, the Kardashians and the companies that manufacture the puberty-blockers and hormones that enable transgenderism and the large …