SPECIAL: #GoogleGestapo Facebook Rigged Netanyahu’s Election — Dry Run for 2020 Knockdown of Donald Trump?

Facebook would soon collapse on Wall Street. This is the story behind its imminent fall Itai Leshem @ Medium This is not fiction I’ve exposed, detailed and documented beyond any reasonable doubt for the benefit of our law enforcement agencies what I’m certain is a massive and illegal election bribe between Facebook and Netanyahu which …

Mongoose: Time to Terminate Public Education Perverted Sex “Education” — Is This a 2020 Election Campaign Issue? Is the Department of Education in Enemy Hands?

The most disturbing 10 minutes video every parent and grand-parent must see about the trash our children are exposed to in our taxpayer-funded schools. I expect communities to start pulling their kids out and recreate neighborhoods and homeschool. It is worldwide and it is accelerating. Whatever evil is behind this crime is doubling-down, as though …

Martin Armstrong: The 2020 Presidential Election Will Be The Most Violent In American History

Martin Armstrong: The 2020 Presidential Election Will Be The Most Violent In American History We have crossed the line. Violence and hate speech is now the normal. There is no tolerance for people to accept an opposing view. . . . Therefore, if look at that timing, it would appear that 4.3 years from Trump swearing …