NIGHTWATCH: Russian Military & Military Sales Strategy

Algeria-Russia: For the record. Russian President Medvedev and Algerian President Bouteflika signed a joint statement on 6 October for more coordination and communication between the two countries, Itar-Tass reported. The statement said the two countries’ heads of state will meet regularly and that their foreign ministers will hold at least one meeting a year. The …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Kyrgyzstan Hybrid Governance

Kyrgyzstan- Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states will help Kyrgyzstan stabilize the situation in the country’s southern region, a source in the Russian Federal Security Service said 23 September after a regional SCO anti-terrorism council meeting, Interfax reported. The council decided that law-enforcement agencies of member states will assist Kyrgyzstan maintain security …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Indonesia Re-Arms, East Rises

Indonesia: For the record. The government plans to order six more Russian-built Sukhoi fighter planes, Indonesian air force Chief of Staff Marshal Imam Sufaat said on 17 September, ANTARA reported. Indonesian President Yudhoyono has approved the planned acquisitions. Indonesia already has 10 of the aircraft, which are not enough to cover the country’s airspace, according …

NIGHTWATCH Extracts: US Foreign Policy Confused

Koreas Comment: The White House statement presented the exercises in the context of routine behavior among Allies, timid and defensive. The Defense Department and UN Command statements indicated the exercises are pointed, aggressive and intended to be intimidating. The two statements neutralize each other because reassurance always trumps vigilance. Undermining both statements is the fact …