Event: 1-4 July 14 Madrid International Mediation and Crisis Management

We will be bringing together some of the greatest visionaries and forward thinking mediation experts from across the globe including top graduate institutions, international organizations, grassroots peace movements, lawyers and legal representatives as well as NGO’s and government representatives. Data:    July 1st – 4th, 2014 (+ June 30th) Venue: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Patronage:  World …

Marcus Aurelius: George Friedman on the Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power

The Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power Geopolitical Weekly Stratfor Editor’s Note: The following Geopolitical Weekly originally ran in January 2013. By George Friedman When I wrote about the crisis of unemployment in Europe, I received a great deal of feedback. Europeans agreed that this is the core problem while Americans argued that the United States …

Patrick Meier: Live Crisis Map of Disaster Damage Reported on Social Media

Live Crisis Map of Disaster Damage Reported on Social Media Digital humanitarian volunteers have been busing tagging images posted to social media in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda. More specifically, they’ve been using the new MicroMappers ImageClicker to rate the level of damage they see in each image. Thus far, they have clicked over 7,000 images. Those that …

SchwartzReport: All Dried Up – China Water Crisis

All Dried Up The Economist (U.K.) Water is destiny. And here, once again, is evidence of this. China’s water and, thus, food problems hold tremendous implications for not just China but the world. BEIJING — CHINA endures choking smog, mass destruction of habitats and food poisoned with heavy metals. But ask an environmentalist what is …