Journal: Bound to Fail–The Inevitable Collapse of McChrystal’s Afghan War Plan

The Inevitable Collapse of McChrystal’s Afghan War Plan Bound to Fail By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Nisos Kos, Greece In the 11 May issue of CounterPunch, apparently based on White House and Pentagon sources, Gareth Porter, one of the most able journalists covering the Afghan debacle, reported that General McChrystal’s war plan is in the early …

Journal: Euro’s Crisis Has American Fingerprints

Posted on May 11, 2010 By William Pfaff The obituaries written of the European currency, the euro, have demonstrated divergences in national and cultural temperaments, the European funereal and laden with gloom about the future, but unyielding, and the American and British cheerfully and self-satisfiedly shoveling earth onto a casket of euros already six feet …

Journal: Eurozone – The Kitchen Sink Goes In – Now It’s All About Solvency

      EuroZone All In By Peter Boone and Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 10 May 2010       The eurozone self-rescue plan announced last night has three main elements: At first pass this package might seem to be in with what we recommended But the European central banks have come in very early …