Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 – Reviewing the UnCredible Once Again

The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 ~ Paul Craig Roberts The article below was written for the Journal of 9/11 Studies for the eleventh anniversary of September 11, 2001, the day that terminated accountable government and American liberty. It is posted here with the agreement of the editors. In order to understand the improbability of the …

Mini-Me: Earthquakes, East Coast, Fukushima Redux + Meta-RECAP

Huh? In Japan during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami? Radiation exposure estimates now available The Pentagon says that none of the nearly 70,000 members of the DoD-affiliated population (service members, DoD civilian employees and contractors, and family members of service members and civilian employees) who were on or near the mainland of Japan between March …

Chuck Spinney: Egypt Emergent, Syria Sidelined, Palestian Justice Ready or Not….

Only a few weeks ago, most western observers had written off Mohamed Morsi, the new President of Egypt and a moderate member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a stooge who would dance to the tune of the military rulers of the Egyptian deep state.  That view is rapidly changing.  Morsi quickly consolidated power by forcing …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Foundation Newsletter #53 August 2012

Free Software Supporter Issue 53, August 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 60,580 other activists. That’s 1,286 more than last month! Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience by adding our subscriber widget to …

Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface

Huh? Phi Beta Iota:  As President Barack Obama faces what David Gergen calls one of three “choice” or turning point elections in modern US history, one has to wonder where he stands on the subject of the truth.  Below the line is a methodical review with many links from retired Marine Corps officer Jim Fetzer, …

Chuck Spinney: James Fallows on Paul Ryan’s Lie-Filled Convention Speech

Paul Ryan and the Post-Truth Convention Speech By James Fallows The Atlantic, Aug 30 2012, 11:43 AM ET Paul Ryan’s speech was well-written, well- delivered, and well-received. All of that was evident to anyone watching on TV. It had a number of nice smilingly vicious hit lines — starting with the masterful “staring up at …