Review: Poor Economics – A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo 4.0 out of 5 stars Serious Economics Poorly Presented, December 14, 2012 I have no doubt that among economists this book merits all the praise it has received; I do NOT recommend it for the general reader, indeed, I do not recommend it at all unless it is assigned reading, …

Steven Aftergood: Senate Slams Door on Defense Clandestine Service — Robert Steele Comments + DoD Clandestine RECAP

Updated 11 Dec 2012 to add Graphic: Intelligence Requirements, Collection, Evaluation, and Capabilities Building Senate Puts Brakes on Defense Clandestine Service The Senate moved last week to restrain the rapid growth of the Defense Clandestine Service, the Pentagon’s human intelligence operation. Under a provision of the FY2013 defense authorization act that was approved on December …

Mini-Me: Obama Approves CIA War on Syria, CIA & Arabs Arming Islamic Militants Instead — But Wait, Could This Be Smoke Related to Benghazi-Based Acts of War on Syria?

Huh? New York Times: Arms Shipments ‘Secretly’ Approved by Obama Admin. Ended Up in Hands of Islamic Militants Jason Howerton The Blaze, 5 December 2012 U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands By JAMES RISEN, MARK MAZZETTI and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT New York Times, December 5, 2012 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly …

Richard Wright: Michael R. Davidson, CIA DO SIS (Ret), Comments on Steele & OSINT with Steele Response 2.1

UPDATE 2 Dec 2012:  Wright update, Steele update, at end of original post. As received: On the Linkedin Group, “Intelligence and Security”, a member started a discussion on open source intelligence using a quote from your [forthcoming chapter], “The Craft of Intelligence.” Davidson (a self proclaimed “former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer”) made such a wildly ignorant …

Review (Guest): Routledge Handbook of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency

The Routledge Handbook of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Edited By: Paul B. Rich and Isabelle Duyvesteyn Routledge, 2012 Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003 ‘counterinsurgency’ (COIN) has enjoyed a revival. The perceived failure of counterinsurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan has led to a ‘backlash’ principally by advocates of the use of conventional warfare against insurgents, …