Journal: Big Lie Attacks Many Little Lies–All Lies…

… Karl Rove and the repetition of the big lie. March 14, 2010 OP-ED COLUMNIST The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality By FRANK RICH, New York Times THE opening salvo, fired on Fox News during Thanksgiving week, aroused little notice: Dana Perino, the former White House press secretary, declared that “we did not have a terrorist …

Journal: Reasons Big Banks Are Bad for Democracy

Why Exactly Are Big Banks Bad? By Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 4 March 2010 Just over 100 years ago, as the nineteenth century drew to a close, big business in America was synonymous with productivity, quality, and success.  “Economies of scale” meant that big railroads and big oil companies could move cargo and supply energy cheaper …

Journal: USG Clears Way in AF for “Thug in a Box”

The Obama Administration’s clear-hold-build-leave strategy in Afghanistan is crucially dependent on the Afghan’s central government’s ability to displace the Taliban with clean local governance throughout a rugged country larger than Texas, with a population of 28+ million, where the vast majority of people live in small hamlets and villages.  To this end, the combined forces …