Marcus Aurelius: Dr. Robert Gates Finds His Integrity

It’s a real shame Gates could not connect to his integrity while in office. Gates on D.C. lawmakers: ‘Oversized egos and undersized backbones’ By MARCUS WEISGERBER | Federal Times, December 14, 2011 Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called out lawmakers for their inability to compromise and develop bipartisan strategies and policies to “address our …

Richard Winger: Yes, Congress Can Pass a Law Mandating That All National Party Candidates for Federal Offices Appear on All State Ballots

Responding to the Question: Has anyone tried to get Congress to do a law putting all national party candidates on state ballots? Richard Winger Responds: Congress only has authority to regulate ballot access for federal elections (Congress and President).  In 9 different sessions of Congress, bills to require easy ballot access for minor party and …

Theophilis Goodyear: Arrest Warrants & Debtor’s Prison

It’s not just the US military that is being given the power to lock American citizens up without due process. Many counties and states are being lied to and manipulated into issuing arrest warrants without due process–no notification, no documentation, etcetera. The following article from the Wall Street Journal describes modern day versions of debtors …

NIGHTWATCH: US Invades Iraq, Creates first Arab Shi’ite State

ALERT:  Iraq becoming the first Arab Shi’ite state, allied with Iran. Iraq: Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki urged Kurdish officials to hand over Sunni Arab Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on terror charges and threatened to replace ministers who belong to the Sunni Arab Iraqiyah bloc if they do not end a Cabinet boycott.