1999 Virtual Intelligence: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution through Information Peacekeeping (Journal of Conflict Resolution, Spring 1999)
PDF (32 Pages): Steele on Virtual Intelligence Conflict Avoidance Full Text Online Below the Fold
PDF (32 Pages): Steele on Virtual Intelligence Conflict Avoidance Full Text Online Below the Fold
Private Enterprise Intelligence: Its Potential Contribution to National SecurityROBERT DAVID STEELE Intelligence and National Security (October 1995), pp. 212-228 Original as Posted Full Text Online to Facilitate Automated Translation
Why Spy? John Perry Barlow Forbes, 10.07.02 If the spooks can’t analyze their own data, why call it intelligence? For more than a year now, there has been a deluge of stories and op-ed pieces about the failure of the American intelligence community to detect or prevent the September 11, 2001, massacre. Nearly all of …
Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit What is the Secretary of Labor trying to tell us that the Director of Central Intelligence needs to help his staff to understand? Robert David Steele – Vivas Proceedings, Society of Photo-Optical Engineers (Spring 1994) Original As Published (OSS ’93) Full …
This was faxed to John Deutch when he was DCI. It probably made it to his desk only to be dismissed as it was not from anyone remotely associated with power or money. This was the beginning of our realization, articulated in 1997 for the US Institute for Peace, that those with power know too …
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“GOD, MAN, & INFORMATION: COMMENTS TO INTERVAL IN-HOUSE” Tuesday, 9 March 1993 Robert David Steele Executive Summary Electromagnetic pollution–in the form of both increased levels of uncontrolled and misunderstood levels of emission, and in the form of broader and more intense bandwidth exploitation–constitutes the technical terror of the 21st century.[1] There is another terror facing …
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E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence Robert David Steele Whole Earth Review (Fall 1992), pp. 74-79. Original as Published Full Text Online for Ease of Automated Translation