Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War

COMMENT:  Only a couple of things wrong with the scenario described below:  (1) Vickers works for a POTUS, Administration and Congress committed to emasculating the National security operation IOT underwrite the incompetent/unindustrious/etc.; and (2) not always possible to be optimally surgical. Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2012, Pg. 30 Slouching Toward Persistent War Even as our …

Review: The Telescreen – An Empirical and Philosophical Study of the Destruction of Consciousness in America

Jeffrey Grupp 5.0 out of 5 stars You need a brain to read this book; if you have one, the book will scare you,February 17, 2012 I have been keeping in touch with “alternative” sources for some time, ever since I realized in about 1988 that neither the US secret intelligence world nor the US …

Chuck Spinney: Right-Wing & Neo-Nazi Merger

Yet another first rate piece of work from my good friend Mike Lofgren. The Right-Wing Id Unzipped Tuesday 14 February 2012 by: Mike Lofgren, Truthout | News Analysis Retired Republican House and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren spoke with Truthout in Washington, DC, this fall. Lofgren’s first commentary for Truthout, “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of …

Chuck Spinney: For the Record – Government Complicit, Banks Walk Away from Mortgage Crimes with 1% Settlement

The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism, 9 Feb 2012 As readers may know by now, 49 of 50 states have agreed to join the so-called mortgage settlement, with Oklahoma the lone refusenik. Although the fine points are still being hammered out, various news outlets (New York …

David Swanson: Could Impeachment Threat Stop Attack on Iran? Photos of Depleted Uranium Babies

Where is Conyers with Impeachment Threats Against President for Iran Attack Now? By Ralph Lopez It may have been the one and only thing which prevented an attack on Iran during the Bush years. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee John Conyers spent years fending off nationwide calls to impeach George W. Bush over the invasion …