Stephen E. Arnold: FBI Out-Sourcing on Cyber Equals Inept Stupidity

The FBI Relied on a Private Firm’s Investigation of the DNC Hack—Which Makes the Agency Harder to Trust …if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the …

Mongoose: Obama / US IC Spying on Trump Worse Than Previously Reported — New Details Suggest Multiple Impeachable Offenders in White House, Justice, NSA, CIA, FBI

Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed  Intel source bombshell: Months of surveillance for purely ‘political purposes’ Here is what they told Fox: 1) Surveillance targeting the Trump team during the Obama administration began months ago, even before the president had become the GOP nominee in July. 2) The spying on the Trump team had …

Mongoose: FBI’s Own Political Terror Plot; Deputy Director and FBI Brass Secretly Conspired to Wage Coup Against Flynn & Trump

EXCLUSIVE: FBI’s Own Political Terror Plot; Deputy Director and FBI Brass Secretly Conspired to Wage Coup Against Flynn & Trump Mere days before Gen. Michael Flynn was sacked as national security advisor, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe gathered more than a dozen of his top FBI disciples to plot how to ruin Flynn’s aspiring political …

Berto Jongman: Trump & Sessions Agreed, Pedophiles Have to Go Down — FBI Set to Arrest 30% of Top Republican and Democratic Party “Leaders”

FBI: 30% Of Washington DC Part Of Elite Pedo Ring An FBI whistleblower estimates “close to 30% of the political spectrum” in Washington D.C. is connected to the elite pedophile ring that has been infiltrated by law enforcement, with “high level arrests of close to three dozen pedophile politicians” expected next week. The insider at the Federal …

DefDog: FBI Hacked Again… UPDATE Neal Rauhauser

FBI Hacked, Again! Hacker Leaks Data After Agency Failed to Patch Its Site It seems like the FBI has been hacked, once again! A hacker, using Twitter handle CyberZeist, has claimed to have hacked the FBI’s website ( and leaked personal account information of several FBI agents publically. CyberZeist had initially exposed the flaw on …

Mongoose: PizzaGate – More on Washington DC Occult Elite Pedophilia — Podesta Central, FBI Hand-Cuffed?

“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks.