Jon Rappoport: The Next US False Flag? – Bio-Terror Using Toxic Chemical That Kills and Then Dissipates?

How they would stage a bioterror event There are future scenarios which, with enough exposure before they happen, can be stopped, or at least analyzed correctly when they occur. A staged bioterror event is one of those. The primary fact is: no matter what kind of germ you’re talking about or where it came from, …

John Rappoport: Exclusive Interview with Sharyl Attkisson, Benghazi & Fast & Furious, CDC Swine Flu Fraud, on Corruption in Media Including Wikipedia

Exclusive: an interview with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson Before her recent resignation from CBS, Sharyl Attkisson was a mainstream news star. Multiple Emmys. CNN anchor, CBS anchor on stories about space exploration. Host of CBS’ News Up to the Minute. PBS host for Health Week. Investigative reporter for CBS. Attkisson dug deep into Fast&Furious, Benghazi, and …

Jon Rappoport: US Pharma Kills More Than All Wars — US Medical Systems Kills 225,000 People a Year

Shocker: Comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars People want to believe medical science gives us, at any given moment, the best of all possible worlds. And of course, the best of all possible worlds must have its enemies: the quacks who sell unproven snake oil. So let’s look at some facts. As …

Jon Rappoport: Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Is this creating a black off-budget slush fund for the Pentagon?

Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Trevor Timm of the Electronic Freedom Frontier dug up a very interesting nugget. It was embedded in the heralded December 2013 White House task force report on spying and snooping. Under Recommendations, #31, section 2, he found this: “Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change …

Jon Rappoport: Mental Illness is the New Normal

Mental illness is the new normal The strategy is as old as the hills. Show people an extreme example of something, and thereby convince them to accept a compromise. In this case, parade before the public—along with assured pronouncements from “mental health experts”—images of James Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Adam Lanza, etc.—and say: “Look, these are …

Jon Rappoport: Monsanto’s Round-Up THE Most Toxic — and False Testing by US Government…

Monsanto’s Roundup: new deadly scam exposed Roundup is the Monsanto herbicide that is touted as the cornerstone of GMO food crops. Monsanto claims these crops are genetically engineered to withstand heavy spraying of Roundup. Therefore, the crops live and the weeds die. Breakthrough. There are several key lies associated with these claims—but a new one …