Chuck Spinney: Crusaders and Zionists — Ending State Terrorism?

Crusaders and Zionists  Yuri Avnery, 11/10/14 [The author is Israel’s leading peace advocate.  He has been a member of the Irgun, a hero of the 1948 war, a member of Knesset, has worked with leaders of the Palestinian national movement, and is a prolific writer. His amazing biography can be found here.] LATELY, THE words “Crusaders” and …

Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on the Obsolescence of the Nation-State

Scotland on the Euphrates The Obsolescence of the Nation-State by URI AVNERY Counterpunch, WEEKEND EDITION SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2014 [This essay originally appeared at ] TWO COUNTRIES competed this week for first place in news programs all over the world: Scotland and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. There could not be a greater …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Discussion of Presbeterian Divestment of Zionist Occupation Allies (Motorola, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard Et Al)

Editor’s Note: We invited the Relgious Action Center of the Reform Movement and J Street, both of which have opposed the Presbyterian divestment resolution, to respond to those who support the Presbyterian resolution. Neither agreed to do so. Tikkun has sought to be a safe space in which both sides could present their thinking. But …

Chuck Spinney: Toxic Alliance – Neo-Cons and “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) War-mongers

This email continues the theme I introduced with How Obama’s Rhetoric Reinforces America’s Grand Strategic Pathway to Catastrophe. Attached beneath my introduction is an brilliant essay, The Dangerous Neocon-R2P Alliance, written by Robert Parry of Consortium News.  Parry describes how propaganda produced by this domestic alliance of convenience among a non-representative minority of unelected influence peddlers …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Hysteria, Spies, Lies, & Pentagon Budget Games

This report/analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique (also attached below) provides a background on the rise of far right — some would say neo-fascist — politics in Ukraine.  I have reformatted and highlighted it to emphasize points that struck me as important.  If you find my markup distracting, the preceding link will take you to the …

4th Media: The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It

The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who headed his country’s official delegation to Geneva II, called at the opening session of the conference on a collective confrontation against terrorism and on starting a national dialogue in Damascus, SANA reported. By Walid al-Moallem – Syria …