Transition Network Concept Paper: Region-Wide Resilience in New England

Reflections for Consideration This short paper offers some “grist for the mill” as we consider together what regional resilience could mean for New England. Download this document as a PDF. New England has a long tradition of radical communitarian culture. The colonists came here as congregations or communities rather than as individuals. Communities banded together …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Quotes

Following are some poignant quotes that might be considered a backdrop for our Cosmically Adequate (CA) consideration/pursuit/exploration: R. Buckminster Fuller 45 quotes Daniel Quinn 37 quotes Alex Gerber 22 quotes Mary Baker Eddy 20 quotes David Brower 14 quotes Jean Liedloff  10 quotes Robert Fritz 6 quotes Alan Weisman  5 quotes Pete Carroll 4 quotes …

Jean Lievens: Sharing is Good for Community, Economy, Nature

Sharing is Good: Building a Sharing Economy & Community Beth Buczynski By sharing what we already have (time, energy, money, goods, foods, skills) we can create communities of abundance. By changing our idea of what it means to be sustainable people, families, and businesses, and working together to achieve it instead of alone in our …

SchwartzReport: Health — and Kindness — Are A) Vital Part of Socio-Economic & Ideo-Cultural Health and B) Destroyed by Legalized Financial Corruption

Larry Dossey, one of the founders of the alternative and complementary medicine movement — and an SR reader, I am happy to say — has been studying the consequences of policy decisions that do not make national wellness a priority for four decades. Here is his excellent essay on what he calls “The Health Consequences …