2004 Vlahos (US) The Muslim Renovatio and US Strategy

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory OSS ’04: To the JHU-APL, and especially to Capt Joseph Mazzafro, USN (Ret) and Dr. Michael Vlahos, for sustained excellence in the integration of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into their complex all-source analytic efforts in support of the Department of Defense.  Aided by the Gibson Library, …

2004 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future

Robert David STEELE Vivas 4 Jun 04 Keynote to International Intelligence History Association (Graz, Austria) FINAL 1.6 dated 30 May 2004 RTF 9 Pages: Steele IIHA Keynote 21st Century Intelligence FINAL RTF 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future Robert David STEELE Vivas Let me begin by paying tribute to two historians, five realists, …