Robert Steele: HP Claims Fraud at Autonomy — Could Autonomy Defense be that HP is Stupid?

Want to save several billion dollars, increase market share with innovation, and not be stupid in the IT arena?  The answer is simple: do not buy other software companies (go all in on Open Source Everything); and if you must buy something, consult Stephen E. Arnold, CEO of Arnold IT, first.  HP is a potentially …

NIGHTWATCH: Israel & It’s US Enabler Uniting Muslims

Special Comment: Feedback from brilliant Readers conveys concern that Israel is presented as justified in its retaliation and not as the instigator of the latest round of attack exchanges. In the NightWatch experience, causality takes about 20 years to determine with any confidence. Survival in the neighborhood requires that the intelligence and special operations forces …

John Steiner: Cyber Dirty Tricks Crashed Karl Rove / ORCA?

Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths? CL OccupyforAccountability, 15 November 2012 Last month, we offered a million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who rigged a federal election on November 6th.  We urged computer experts to contact us with information about any election manipulation of …

SchwartzReport: Big Sugar Does a Big Tobacco — True Cost of Sugar to Society

Does Sugar Kill? How the Sugar Industry Hid the Toxic Truth For decades, the industry kept scientists from asking: Does sugar kill? GARY TAUBES and CRISTIN KEARNS COUZENS – AlterNet (U.S.) November 15, 2012 | This article first appeared in Mother Jones Magazine. Get your magazine  subscription here. ON A BRISK SPRING Tuesday in 1976, a pair …

Mini-Me: Hit Job on Petraeus and CIA Neo-Cons? The Panetta Narrative?

Huh? Op-Ed: Benghazi attack — The October surprise that backfired Eric Morales Digital Journal, 17 November 2012 The Romney campaign was banking on the Benghazi attack making Obama the next Jimmy Carter, however it has instead blown up in the face of the American right – only problem is, they haven’t realized that yet. Conservatives …

Mini-Me: Petraeus as CIA Says Benghazi was Terrorist Attack — NSA Behind on Relevant Intercepts; DIA Not Being Allowed to Think, Zero HUMINT Sucks

Short Persistent URL: Huh? Petraeus tells Congress that Benghazi attack was terrorism By Karen DeYoung and Ed O’Keefe, Washington Post, Friday, November 16 Former CIA director David H. Petraeus told Congress on Friday that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was clearly an act of terrorism, but he did not …