Jon Rappoport: Connecticutt, Yale, & Cover-Up of Legalized Toxic Psychiatric Drugs – $14 Billion Buys a Lot of Immunity for Bristol-Myers Squibb; Boehringer-Ingleheim; Rib-X; Purdue; Alexion; Achillion; Pfizer

Exposed: Sandy Hook shooter’s biggest threat still lives Adam Lanza, the purported Sandy Hook School shooter, is the subject of an ongoing investigation in Connecticut. No, it’s not a police probe, it’s about “mental health.” The investigation is all about Lanza’s medical history, what diagnoses were made, who the doctors were, what psychiatric drugs they …

Jon Rappoport: Obama: one if by land, two if by sea, three if by metadata

Obama: one if by land, two if by sea, three if by metadata In his Friday speech, Obama ignored the essence of the FISA Court, the secret body that’s rubber-stamped warrants to do surveillance for the past 35 years. Most of these requests for warrants come from NSA and the FBI, and only government attorneys …

David Swanson: Obama’s 4th Amendment Speech Deceitful, Even His Fans Are Dismayed

Even Obama Fans Aren’t Pretending That Was a Good Speech President Barack Obama gave a eulogy for the Fourth Amendment on Friday, and not even his fans are proclaiming victory.  In this moment when Obama is actually doing one thing I agree with (talking to Iran), more and more people seem to be slowly, agonizingly …

4th Media: NSA Metadata Collection Fourth Amendment Violation

NSA Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation Edward Snowden, who worked for the National Security Agency (NSA), revealed a secret order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), that requires Verizon to produce on an “ongoing daily basis… all call detail records or ‘telephony metadata’ created by Verizon for communications (i) between the United States and …

Greg Palast: Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future

Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future By Greg Palast for Truthout Thursday, 16. January 2014 Far more insidious, more corrosive and dangerous than the Governor of New Jersey playing traffic warden is the story of Gov. Chris Christie’s secret meetings with a …